Epson Artisan 1430 - 4 Cards

  1. Open the tray slot on your printer, but DO NOT insert the tray until the printer has completely stopped moving the printhead (this can take up to 30 seconds). Inserting the tray while the printhead is moving can cause permanent damage to the printhead.
  2. Open the generated PDF using Adobe Acrobat Reader. See Notes below.
  3. Select File > Print
  4. Make sure that any "Scaling" settings are set to 100%. Failure to do this will cause your ID Cards to print too small, too large, or in the wrong location.
  5. Select Paper Size: A4 (not borderless)
  6. Select Media Type: CD/DVD
  7. Place 4 cards in the PVC Card Tray (even if you are printing on less than that) and insert the tray in to the printer. Align the print arrows on each side of the tray with the arrows on the printer. Ensure the tray is straight.
    1. If you are printing more than 4 cards you can send all cards to the printer at once, the printer will print them in order, asking you to re-insert the tray after each print completes.
  8. Press Print on your computer.
  9. If you print with a bleed, be sure to turn your tray upside down to remove the cards onto your desk, then wipe the tray with a paper towel/cloth to get excess ink off the tray. Doing this will avoid getting ink smudges on your hands and cards.



On macOS 10.14 and higher you may run in to a problem printing from the Preview application. We've found that in this case Acrobat Reader is able work.


On Windows 10 there is no way to adjust Scaling when printing from the default Windows PDF application. Instead, please use Adobe Acrobat Reader, or the built-in PDF reader in the Google Chrome browser.

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