Using Placeholders to Make Cards with Varying Content

Placeholders help you print multiple cards with varying content reusing the same template. 

For example, if you need to print 10 ID cards with different names, you can turn the name Object in your Template into a Placeholder, add the 10 Cards Entries (each with a different name) at the next step, and generate a Printable with all 10 of them at the end.

How do I use Placeholders?

1. Mark Objects in Your Template as Placeholders

Select an Object:

Check "This Object Is a Placeholder":

This turns the selected object into a placeholder.

Name Your Object:

Be sure to use a name for this placeholder that will make sense to you later. Some examples would be "Name", "Role", "Department", "Account Number", etc.

2. Add Your Card Entries

Once you've marked all your placeholders, you need to go to the next step (My Cards) and add your entries. For example, if you're making ID cards for 3 people, and you've marked the Name and Role as variable objects, here is where we'll be adding their specific names and roles.

My Cards is a table. We have a column for each placeholder, and each row represents a card entry. This example showcases how your table should look after adding a few entries:

If you want to add a new entry, you need to click Add Card.

Adding a new entry:

This can get as complex as you need it to. You can turn any text, image, or barcode object into a placeholder.

How Do I Print Entries?

When you're generating a Printable, if you have card entries, you will also see an option to include one, some, or all of your card entries in the Printable.

Video Example

In this video, we are marking a few text objects as placeholders and then we are generating a printable to print a couple of the cards we had entered data for:

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