Storage is Full Error

If you receive a "Storage is Full" error message, this can help resolve it.

To resolve a "Storage is Full" problem with you current web browser

First: Verify that your storage (hard drive) is not actually full.

Next: If it is not full, then you'll want to clear your cache. Follow the steps below to save your current design so you don't lose the entire design you've worked on already.

  1. Go to ID Maker's Design page.
  2. Click the "Download Template" button to download your current template to your computer (this will save as a ".bid" file).
  3. Clear your cache:
    1. We recommend clearing the cache only for our website - that way you don't lose any information for other websites.
    2. Search Google or DuckDuckGo for how to do this using a search phrase like: "how to clear cache for a specific website in <browser>" where "<browser>" is the web browser you're using (Chrome/FireFox/Edge/Safari/etc). This should help you find you detailed instructions for how to do this.
    3. When following the instructions you found in part b, you want to search the list of websites in your web browser for "BrainstormID" - this should be enough to find what you need to clear.
    4. If you instead would prefer to clear your entire cache, you can check out this website for instructions:
  4. After clearing your cache, reload ID Maker, it should show you the Templates page and your current design should have disappeared. If your current design is still showing up at the top of the page - your cache was not properly cleared.
  5. Click "Upload Template" and choose the ".bid" template file that you downloaded earlier (or drag/drop it on to the window).

Use a Recommended Browser

We recommend using either Firefox, Chrome, or Safari web browsers. If you keep having trouble with your current browser, please try one of these others.

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